Attack of the mutant spiders

Hello my name Is Jake Comer and If you found this camera listen carefully.I recently broke up with my girlfriend and I was trying to find a good place to settle down.Then I found an apartment In Illinois.Two weeks later I finished unpacking.Then when I got home from work the landlord told me about a spider he saw last night at his house.He said it was 3 to 4 feet long.I was skeptical because no known spider can reach that size. I went to mcdonalds and when I went in the parking lot I hit something.I thought It was a deer then when I got a closer look it was a large spider.I went to get the landlord to show him.But i found his bloody body dead on the reception desk and there was a pistol in his hand .Then another big spider showed up with blood on its legs and fangs. It lunged at me but I took the landlords pistol and shot It twice in the eyes and It stopped moving.I rushed upstairs to the apartment rooms.There was nobody in sight there were no lights then I was being chased by another spider.I ran to my apartment room and the spider was on my tail.I finally got in the room shut the door behind me and locked It.The spider was banging on the door trying to get In.I waited an hour and the banging stopped. So I assumed the creature left. I turned on the TV and watched the news to find out what's going on.They said the town was being attacked by 4 foot mutant spiders.Then I looked out the keyhole of the door and there was a woman outside.She had a large spider bite on her leg and a bloody cut on her face. she banged on the door begging me to let her In.Then one of the spiders came and stabbed her in the stomach three times with its fangs and the basterd dragged her away in darkness.Then they broke trough the windows and I hid in the bathroom.So if you found this get help oh god they broke in oh god.